The Salazar Family

The Salazars are a family of five currently living in Santa Clara County. Mr. Salazar is a carpenter and his wife is a homemaker who had to put her career on hold when the pandemic began to care for their young children.

Earlier this year, the Bay Area experienced heavy rains and flooding during the winter storms. This affected Mr. Salazar’s ability to work and provide for his household. During this challenging time, the family had unanticipated expenses and had to liquidate their savings in order to maintain all their bills. The family continued to struggle and reached out to one of HIF’s partner agencies, Alta Housing, for resources. HIF was able to ensure the Salazar family continued to be stably housed by providing them with a grant for rental assistance.

“We are very grateful for HIF’s assistance as we have not been able to recuperate financially over the past couple of years due to the pandemic. Millions of thanks for your help.”

Please help us continue keeping our valued community members like The Salazars housed by donating today.