Spotlight – Fashion Furniture

HIF Champion Spotlight

Fashion Furniture Rental: Generously providing style and function to our Renovation Program!!
For over ten years, Fashion Furniture Rental has supported HIF through our events and Renovation Program. They have helped us provide much needed stylish and functional pieces for domestic violence shelters, transitional homes, and agencies throughout the Bay Area.

Fashion Furniture has always focused on ‘serving customers differently than other furniture rental companies: providing personalized service and creating a feeling of home for customers no matter how long their stay, no matter where they stayed.’

It is from this lens that the team at Fashion Furniture have imbued our projects and the agencies we serve with not only quality furniture, but also functionality while injecting the spaces we transform with warmth and making them not just a place to recover and move on, but a home.

With over $77,000 donated to HIF (at least $25,000 of it from in-kind donations), the team at Fashion Furniture have been critically important to the success of our Program, particularly in 2023-24.

As important as their support has been to HIF, it is the spirit of collaboration and genuine desire to help that is at the core of what makes HIF and our Renovation Program successful!

At Fashion Furniture, community is at the heart of everything we do. That’s why we proudly support HIF and their mission to give back. We know that when we work together to uplift and empower our community, that is when we make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around us.

​- Cat Lake, Corporate Accounts Manager
HIF is fortunate to have so many great supporters that are truly the Champions of our mission. Without our board members, volunteers, donors, and community agency partners, we could not serve families and individuals in need with our Homeless Prevention Programs. Check out other HIF Champion Spotlights.

At Fashion Furniture Rental, we pride ourselves on the countless features, services and innovations that set us apart from the competition and make us the leading furniture rental company in Northern and Southern California.