Stan Jones, of Marcus & Millichap, and his son, Harrison Jones, collaborated with HIF to make a positive difference in helping individuals and families who are at risk of losing their homes by providing them with affordable housing units in either Santa Clara or San Mateo counties while providing them with a grant to subsidize their rent for a 12 month term. Stan Jones has become one of the top brokers in the western United States specializing in the multifamily market and has been recognized as the market leader in Northern California multifamily transactions.
Households must meet the following eligibility criteria to qualify for assistance including employment, living and working in Santa Clara or San Mateo Counties, income must meet the 50-80% area median income and each adult must be either working, making a good-faith effort to look for work, or enrolled in school. Priority given for teachers, first responders, health and mental health workers, and public and nonprofit workers. Click here if you would like more information.