Emergency Housing Fund
How to Apply
HIF has well-established referral and collaborative relationships with partner agencies throughout Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. The case managers at these agencies are well-trained in how the EHF grant works and the application process. Please contact one of our partner agencies to apply.
If you have questions about our processes, or need help gathering documents to apply, we encourage you to work directly with an agency partner. The agency’s case manager will guide you through the process and act as your point of contact, and can even submit the required documents on your behalf.
As an emergency aid fund, we prioritize getting timely assistance to those at most risk of losing their housing. If your application is approved, HIF will pay your landlord or utility company directly.
Common Questions
How can I check the status of my application?
Your case manager will be your main point of contact for updates. HIF does not provide any program services at our local office or over the phone. For more information, please email us at ehf@hifinfo.org
How will I know when I am approved?
If you are approved, we will contact your case manager. This email will include both the grant amount and the date the check was mailed to your landlord or utility company from our office.
Can I apply again if I was previously denied?
Yes, you can re-apply if your EHF grant was not approved because either your landlord or case manager was non-responsive.
You cannot re-apply if your EHF grant was not approved because your application did not meet the program requirements.
What are some common mistakes?
The most common mistakes applicants make are not including their ID and/or IDs for all household members, making a typo in an email address, and/or inaccurately completing the budget form.
Please be sure to include all of the required information and documentation requested in the application form because we cannot process incomplete or inaccurate applications.
Can you send a check directly to me?
No, all payments are sent directly to your landlord or utility company.
For more information
Please email us at ehf@hifinfo.org. HIF does not provide any program services at our local office.